Friday 23 April 2010

Yoga Exercises During Pregnancy

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Yoga originated from India, a place where deep knowledge of oneself is practiced and recognized. As time passes, far and wide, yoga is one of the most practiced alternatives to fitness exercise, in search of many to improve one's well being and self awareness. Yoga exercises undoubtedly achieved this as many practitioners continue performing yoga. But aside from the benefits to the mind and the body, yoga is known one of the best ways to have a healthy pregnancy.

Pregnancy is an unforgettable moment for both couple but mostly to the mother as she carries the baby in her womb. In view of this, everything that could be done to ensure the safety and good health of the baby is carried on, from routine pregnancy examinations, dietary supplements and so forth. While some women may thought that pregnancy could leave them like a potato couch, pregnancy is the stage where you should do a lot of moving to have an easy labor and delivery. An exercise that is both healthy and safe is yoga. Here are some of the benefits of yoga to pregnancy:

Promotes flexibility and helps strengthen muscles. Yoga composed mainly of poses and breathing techniques. These poses stretches the ligaments and tendons making it more lubricated and paving way for the expectant mom to have an easy labor.

Cultivate relaxation and deep meditation. Yoga is being performed by many in order to relax. With the breathing techniques and reflection of the mind, worries, fears, disappointments and deep-seated negative emotions are removed paving way for an open mind. When this happens, the body in turn eases tightened muscles and promotes a more relaxed body.

Breathing and improve circulation. There are several breathing techniques that is being done during yoga. These techniques helps the body to have improved circulation being able to get rid of toxins in the body.

Strengthened bonding between the mother and the baby. Although it is unexplained by many, there is a proof that there is a strengthened bonding between the mother and the baby. This happens as the expectant mom becomes more aware of her body during pregnancy.

Yoga during pregnancy is found beneficial by many pregnant women. Try this option and be on your way to a healthy pregnancy.

By Riza C. Belgira

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