Wednesday 28 April 2010

Possible Causes of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

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Patients agonizing from recurrent pregnancy loss usually go on a quest to get treatment to make their succeeding try a a birth. This disease is normally examined following a minimum of at least two failed pregnancies and women should discuss the details with a qualified physician. Women who are in the upper age bracket could be at greater probability of additional miscarriages, especially women greater than 40 years of age. Women who are over 40 years old and thinking about having a child by getting pregnant are encouraged to speak with a doctor regarding the potential risks. The risk of birth defects, miscarriage and complications affecting the mother may be present for women greater than 40.

Metabolic, hormonal and uterine abnormalities may be to blame in some cases, while particular hereditary causes may also be possible according to a report by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Further origins of numerous miscarriages may also be possible and should be discussed with a qualified medical professional.

Women may take certain steps in moving up their possibilities of successfully conceiving a child on the next pregnancy. Women should adopt a healthy lifestyle and take folic acid supplements to prepare for pregnancy. They should also stop smoking, reduce alcohol and caffeine consumption, control their weight and practice moderate exercise.

There may be certain therapies available for women who have experienced multiple miscarriages. The precise therapy or treatment may depend on the cause miscarriage. Aspirin may be recommended for women whose miscarriages may have been caused by immunological causes, while certain surgical procedures may be necessary for women with anatomic problems. Antibiotics may be prescribed in some cases as well.

If you need precise treatment options, patients are advised to discuss with a medical professional at a trusted clinic. Those whose miscarriages have been caused by environmental factors such as smoking, alcohol, etc. should make the necessary lifestyle changes.

Couples are often encouraged to learn that even after three miscarriages their chances of successful pregnancy is about 60%, although some data may suggest otherwise. Patients are encouraged to speak with a fertility specialist to learn more about what may be causing recurrent pregnancy loss and which treatment may be successful in treating the problem.

Women who are of advanced maternal age, typically thought to be 35 and older, are strongly encouraged to consult with a fertility specialist before becoming pregnant. Various tests may be required for women who experience more than two miscarriages to determine what may cause the miscarriages.

By Justin DiMateo

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